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Most Recent Pics

  • time to clean!
    What could be better to round out the month than more Peepo bulli :3C My friend AcuteAcid gave me the idea of (or, I guess in the end, reminded of the idea of) combining hazmat and maid themes, and Ayase helped me come up with this bulli scenario a little after that. (She also reminded me…
  • In-stream painting (2024-04-27)
    An in-stream painting for Operator of their Lyra as a large goopy werewolf getting bullied by Bluna who’s threatening her with the good ol’ goopy null toy >:3C
  • Kat-sune
    I had this sketched up back in September, but got caught up in all the Snep-tember stuff (and probably work) so I ended setting this aside at the time. Was bound to get to some Kat-sune fanart eventually; it’s such a fun suit design! :3CKat-sune is @LayerIndustries!
  • In-stream painting (2024-04-10)
    A painting of FoxSinz’s renamon toy form! :3