time to clean!

A hazmat maid themed living suit character (Ayase) themed in purple and yellow-green wields a feather duster (composed of inflated latex "feathers") and stands in a green tinted bedroom with green glowing goop all over the place. Through the translucent latex of the tail, one can see the snow leopard tail of the occupant of the suit (Pepper). A conversation between the two is depicted to the left of the image. Ayase: "Alright, let's clean!" Pepper: "...but I don't wanna >:(" Ayase (whose avatar appears to be stretching into Pepper's avatar, coating him in a purple goop): "Is that so?" Pepper: "Hey!!" Ayase: "How about now? :3" Pepper (whose avatar is now wearing a latex blindfold and gag): "... mmph~,,, mkmmm~!"

What could be better to round out the month than more Peepo bulli :3C

My friend AcuteAcid gave me the idea of (or, I guess in the end, reminded of the idea of) combining hazmat and maid themes, and Ayase helped me come up with this bulli scenario a little after that. (She also reminded me of where I’d once seen this concept already at least once before: this very fun sequence from a little ways back by Redflare!)

The gist is pretty much that Bluna tasked these two with cleaning up this super goop’d up room (that I like to think they caused in the first place… somehow…)