Ayase, a purple rubber bunny suit, has her head stretched aside blue snow leopard Pepper's own head. Pepper is gagged and blushing while glancing to their side at Ayase. He's almost entirely suited within her, the suity bnuy having adjusted her form slightly to bind the snep's arms to their side in a similar fashion to that of a sleepsack.

peepo bulli (continued)

Still going strong with painting lately! Went ahead and pretty…

See full post peepo bulli (continued)

Helix Brees

Some rough paintings of Helixjack’s umbreon character from recently :3C

See full post Helix Brees

In-Stream Sketch Paintings (2024-02-11)

First session of these! Gonna try to do at least…

See full post In-Stream Sketch Paintings (2024-02-11)

derg simmy

My entry for the year of the dragon :3 I’ve…

See full post derg simmy
A cheetah named Darius is seen from two angles held afloat in a large cylindrical chamber of water by their head poking through a black rubber flotation ring. The rest of their body is bound in a combination straitjacket/sleepsack with one chain at their feet tethering them to the floor and another chain attached to their tail with a small weight on the other end. Their head is bound up in a blindfold and ring gag harness. Around the two angles of the cheetah is a bit of text saying "A good chee can keep their head above water", another bit of text that appears to be the readout from a terminal describing a "ramping process", and two level meters above icons of a vibrating plug and little lightning bolts.

relaxation chamber

My half of a trade with Darius! (it might be…

See full post relaxation chamber

a toy to a doll

I was recently reminded of Mega Bunette, a pair of…

See full post a toy to a doll