
Carbine, a synth cheetah, is strapped to a chair and bound in straitjacket. Their caged cock is exposed between their spread legs. In the background, the faint shape of a bird character is seen with a plotting look, as though they're admiring their handiwork and envisioning ways of further tormenting the chee.

In-stream painting (2024-03-25)

Carbine getting some “relaxation” time after their recent efforts in…

See full post In-stream painting (2024-03-25)

da shoe-kus (and more painty doodles)

Did a funny little painting for Ellie, the dookus showin’…

See full post da shoe-kus (and more painty doodles)

a toy to a doll

I was recently reminded of Mega Bunette, a pair of…

See full post a toy to a doll